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[av_tab title=’ABOUT US’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Above all physical possibilities a close area nearly 1350m2 belonging to Sakarya Teknokent will be able to use for Adaptto actions. About areas will be used for Adaptto actions detailed information is given below.

Sakarya Teknoken A Block :

For unit employees’ use, from adaptto personel in A Block constitution in 3 different office  totally 120m2 office field being destined. Seperated office field’s 52m2 part being furnished and rest of the place is being furnishing when it is needed.

Also, in A Block there is a conference hall sized 60m2 for 44 people, there is VIP meeting room sized 55m2 for 12 people and there is a meeting room being used when it is needed for adaptto actions sized 45m2 for 18 people.

Sakarya Teknokent B Block :

In Sakarya Teknokent B Block constitution there is a seminar room sized 50m2 for 40 people and there is 2 meeting room can be used for adaptto actions when it is needed sized 50m2.
[av_tab title=’HİSTORY’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue81e’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Sakarya Teknokent, being operated agreeable with it’s aim, being managed and firms showing action in the area and to provide support and services which area workers needed for ‘’Anonymous Company’’ statued actuator company has being seen appropriate and in this direction ‘’Sakarya Teknokent A.Ş.’’ incorporated personality was builded in 2009 and began it’s activities.

In 2009 company’s official establishment being done with Sakarya University Technology Development Area’s announcement by Council of Ministers in 2008. First R&D firms passed to Sakarya Teknokent’s constitution in november 2009. In 2010 %90 fullness rate was ensured. 15 firms was builded in Sakarya Teknokent’s constitution in december.

New Sakarya Teknokent’s building’s substructure was layed in 2010 and 8 new firm joined Teknokent family and our Teknokent growed with exactly 23 firms.

And with this successful rapid grow in a short time our Teknokent has being awarded. In 2012 Sakarya Teknokent was awarded in performance size up prepared by Science and Technology Ministry. In Turkey general Teknokent became forth and it’s own category Teknokent became premier. We believe this success will continue without a break.

In 2013 with Sakarya Teknokent’s new complex’s finish, to our country and our city Technology Transfer Office was builded and gained with the name adappto. With the end of the year 34 more firms builded in Teknokent’s constitution and they are contuniuing their active studies.

Adaptto is going forward with confident steps to become the ruling Technology Transfer Office in our area. In this context in our area Adaptto the day it was builded it is continuing it’s studies in such fields: introduction and awareness, project supports, university-industry partnership, idealogical and industrial ownership rights and lastly entrepreneurship and incorporation.
[av_tab title=’OUR AİMS – OUR TARGET’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue8c7′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Our Aims

Doing bridge works to university-industry relations to become concrete partnerships,

Support new companies with technological base and available small compaines to improve,

To show intense work to improve economical and technological level,

Become a supporter for international competition power to increase,

Getting companies working in the technological field together and help them to create synergy between them and universities,

Our Targets

To support addition firstly our city’s, our region’s, and our country’s R&D potential and innovative technology producing ability,

As Sakarya Teknokent to provide addition and support to productions with high added value and services to introduce to the world market,

Taking a big role in prior sectors with our country’si our region’s and our city’s technology produce’s and saving’s guidance,

To create more active university-industry partnership,
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[av_tab title=’ORTAKLIK YAPISI’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue84c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]

Company’s Founder Partners Partnership cut
1- Sakarya Üniversity Rectorship % 56
2- Sakarya Metropolian Municipality % 10
3- Sakarya Trade and İndustry Apartment % 10
4- Adapazarı Municipality % 6
5- Serdivan Municipality % 6
6- Sakarya Üniversity Foundation % 7
7- Sakarya Trade Market % 5
Total % 100

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Prof.Dr. Tahsin ENGİN Genel Müdür Ofis: Teknokent A Blok No:105 E-Posta: tahsinengin@sakaryateknokent.com Telefon: 0264 3460202 / 1101  
Bilal Cinici Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Ofis: Teknokent A Blok No:104 E-Posta: bilalcinici@sakaryateknokent.com Telefon: 0264 3460202 / 1126  
Aykut ULGAR Girişimcilik ve Kuluçka Merkezi Yöneticisi Ofis: Teknokent Kuluçka Merkezi No:7 E-Posta: a.ulgar@sakaryateknokent.com Telefon: 0264 3460202 
Yunus FİDAN Teknik İşler Yöneticisi Ofis: Teknokent A Blok No:104 E-Posta: yunus.fidan@sakaryateknokent.com Telefon: 0264 3460202 / 1102
Esra ELLİDOKUZ İdari ve Mali İşler Yöneticisi Ofis: Teknokent A Blok No:104 E-Posta: esra@sakaryateknokent.com Telefon: 0264 3460202 / 1103
  Yasin TENŞİ Teknik Personel Ofis: Teknokent A Blok No: B02 E-Posta: y.tensi@sakaryateknokent.com Telefon: 0264 3460202 / 1104
